Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 1 Word count: 1,356 Notes: Here’s the first part of the monthly story I’m working on! I know it doesn’t have too much to do with the moon, but the picture somehow manages to inspire it XD... I’ll post more when I get time to write it!
“Good afternoon, Miss. Laskia. How are doing today?”
I sighed inwardly and said, “Really, call me Victoria.” I didn’t like my full first name either, but it was better than all formalish with everyone calling me ‘Miss Laskia’ left and right, like I usually had to put up with. Besides, I had my doubts that Captain Bareon was going to start calling me Viki.
“Whatever you say, Miss. Victoria.”
I groaned inwardly.
“Now,” the Captain continued, “You can expect to be with your uncle before the day is out. Estimate arrival will be 5:40,” he led me to the small scale hovercraft as he spoke, “You will, of course, be conducted in the safest manner. We will be taking the safest route possible, and I assure you, you will reach your uncle safely.”
Safely, safest, safe... Groan. “Yes, yes of course,” I said, barely paying attention. I got this speech every time I traveled. I supposed they wanted to keep me at ease, but really, it was ridiculous. After all, how could they be sure to have a safe route if there was no such thing? In this war-torn world, there was only good planning, and good luck. It needed a good planning to find a path where no rebel, revolutionists, religious extremists, and all the rest were just waiting to blow you up. Yes, it took great planning to find that gap in which to get from one end of the country to the other without getting blown to pieces, and then, of course, it took luck to keep it that way for the entire flight. Not entirely likely, but so far I’d had good luck, the few times I’ve had to make long distance travels. After all, I wasn’t dead.
Personally, I found it all annoying. My uncle sent me away and requested my presence every other month it seemed. He’d rarely sent me so far though. Sometimes I wondered about my uncle’s mood swings. They swiveled around at almost a dangerous speed. If I had my choice, I would have gone over seas long ago, even though life was hardly better in Europe than it was in the United States (not that the states were actually ‘United’ anymore), but at least I wouldn’t be in the whole ‘constant danger’ situation I was in now. Because not only was William Laskia my uncle and legal guardian since my parents had died, he was also the President, and had been for nearly eight years. Not that he had any power over any of the crazy rebels. They all hated him, and his army. All the revolutionary groups that made up the chaotic land that was once peaceful all rejected his claim to power. I suppose I didn’t really blame them. My uncle had partly won the election with his good looks, and used his money to boost himself up the rest of the way. He was, by no means, a leader. But that seemed no reason to constantly try to assassinate him and all those connected with him. Well at least I thought so. But oh well... For the past eight years, out of my current seventeen, it had been the same. I was still alive, and by this time I was used to it at least. So I hardly gave a second thought to climbing into that hovercraft.
The Captain showed me to my lush seat and showed me where all the virtual gaming devices, holograph vids, and hologram books were, and then went to the pilot’s seat. The craft was soon in the air and gliding at high speeds to my uncle’s palace-like estate. I ignored all the childish activates and fell asleep. Though I would seem to be pampered and weak, being related so closely to the president, I took pride in working. When I was with my uncle, I put up with the soft treatment, but when he sent me away I made sure to do my part in helping out. What was the point of being treated like a princess? In this day and age, in this chaotic warring world, it was necessary to do your part. It was just annoying, in my mind, to be treated better than everyone else. So restricting and ridiculous.
I usually volunteered for sick duty because that area always needed the most help. One of the advantages of having one of the richest men in the world as my guardian was that I always receive the newest vaccines, so I was in less danger to all the new viruses and plagues than most people. I administered basic medical care to those who wouldn’t be admitted into the hospital because of what group they belonged to, or because the hospital was full. And it wasn’t just people with sickness who flocked to the hospital doors, but a great part of the people who came staggering in were the ones wounded in the constant battling. It was depressing work, but it made me happy that I was helping.
So I was nearly almost always tired. It was always a great pleasure for a few extra hours to spend sleeping. Plus my uncle would no doubt wonder at the bags under my eyes. I was asleep within minutes.
I woke up to a jolt of the high-flying hovercraft. I blinked blearily in the dim light. The light system, sensing my even breathing, had assumed me asleep and dimed the lights accordingly. I clapped my hands to get them brighter, but they stayed darkened. The hovercraft was curiously descending, though at a glance I saw that it was only 3:35. I reached for the two-way intercom and pressed the button.
“Captain, is something wrong?” I asked, not especially worried. They probably just had to stop for a fuel up.
“Miss Laskia, please remain calm. We have everything under control,” replied the Captain a hurried voice.
There was a crash as something hit the left stub-like wing of the hovercraft. I started to worry.
“Captain Bareon, is this aircraft under attack?” I asked in a commanding voice.
“There is no reason to panic, we will sort this out immediately,” the Captain replied, though I could sense a hint of panic in his own voice. There was another crash and the intercom started to fuzz with static. The lights went off and I could feel the high-flying aircraft start to descend more rapidly.
“Emergency lights, ON!” I yelled, panicking in full now. The blue crisis lights flipped on and I reached for the emergency air-safety pack under my seat. I strapped it to my back and tried to remember one of my memorized prayers, but couldn’t. Instead, I just screamed, “GOD, PLEASE LET ME LIVE!” over the roar of the crashing hovercraft. I opened the emergency door and jumped.
For a moment the world seemed to slow to a stop, all I could see was blue. For an instant, my mind went blank except for the thought, blue? Is that actually the sky? Where’s the smog?, but it was soon forced out of my head as I turned around in the air and saw the ground rushing up to meet me. I punched the release button on my back, and a parachute-like think thrust out of the pack, only it was made with airtight plastic, to slow the decent even more. For a second, I thought I’d completely stopped, but then I saw the hovercraft crash into the ground with an enormous explosion slightly to the right of me, and the world came crashing back in on me. My decent was slowed considerably, but I was afraid that I may have pushed the release button too soon. There wasn’t enough air time to slow down completely. I was too scared even to scream. I squeezed my eyes shut and curled in the best crashing position that I could. I said a prayer, but before I could finish I hit the ground. There was a horrible pain, and the world went red. Before the haze could fade completely, blackness took over, and I was falling into a pit of darkness.
Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 2 Word count: 685 Notes: I’m starting to really like this story : D
When I awoke, everything was dark. There was a pounding pain battering my whole body. I was face first on the ground, dirt shoved up against my face. I managed to drag myself onto my back, but it sent so much pain through me that I nearly lost consciousness again. I shut my eyes trying to calm the dizziness. After a few moments I managed to open my eyes. I gazed up at the sky in amazement. Stars glittered up in the heavens, winking with their brilliant white fire. Even more shocking was the enormous, strangely clear view of the moon. It was a full moon, and was so unimaginably beautiful and large it seemed as if I could simply reach out and touch it. The lack of smog was incredible and nearly impossible. I must have really crashed in the middle of nowhere to get skies this clear. I knew I should be worried because being so far away from a city would mean a longer time to be rescued, but I was too fascinated with the moon to care at the moment. I’d never seen anything like this before. It was wonderful.
Eventually my body finally decided that it was too worn out to continue this awakened state, and I fell back into a fitful, painful sleep.
I woke to something making noise over to the right of me. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and prayed that it wasn’t a scavenging animal that could hurt me. I finally got the courage to open my eyes and found myself staring at the being next to me, my jaw open in shock. It wasn’t an animal. Well, not really. Technically, it was human, but...well... he wasn’t really a human either, in a way.
His hair was in long braids and tangles, and his face was smeared with messy tribal tattoos. His chest was bare, and the rest of him looked like he’d come straight out of history book of the ancient Indians. Beat up leather moccasins included.
He stared at me with a vicious hatred, observing me as I lay, injured, on the ground. He was of the Axsentaks tribe, I was fairly sure. Tribes had begun to come into being years and years ago, at the beginning of the downfall of the industrial world. Axsentaks had been one of the first to form, and this man looked as if he had absolutely no amount of civility about it at all. He was still young enough that he could have possibly even been born into one of the older tribes. He cocked his head sideways for a moment and muttered something in a grunted language that was mixture of English and unintelligent grunts.
Then, abruptly he jumped forward practically on top of me. I was too shocked to move, though I wouldn’t have gotten far in my state. I cringed as the barbarian man nearly sat on me to keep me down. He took out a dark-like object from his pack, and I tried to scoot away when I saw the red band ringing the top. I could see the green venom-look serum through the clear plasti-glass casing. I was sure it was Rostolor poison, a popular, fast acting, lethal posion. He shoved the tip brutally into my left arm without a second’s hesitation and laughed stupidly when I uttered a small gasping cry. I could only look at him in horror. I couldn’t believe after everything I’d been through, I was going to die at the hands of an uneducated savage crazy. I could only choke out another gasp/cry.
Then there was a flash of black. It barreled into the savage, and they went rolling onto the ground over to my left. I was having a hard time concentrating because I could feel the effects of the poison already beginning. It was a tingling numbing sensation traveling up my arm, followed by a sharp pain, traveling at a slower rate. I heard an involuntary cry escape my lips.
I could hear grunts over to my left, but in seconds it was over. Before I could discern what was happening, there was a person bending over me.
Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 3 Word count: 517 Notes: wow, JUST within the word limts. I had to adjust quite a bit even to get it there.
I believe in God. I believe in miracles. And especially, I believe in angels. It’s not like I believed in them more than everything else, I’ve just always really loved them. It was my comfort as a child, and even now as I grow older, knowing that some holy, more powerful, being watching over me at all times. Keeping me safe, holding me out of harm’s way.
But like most people, I’d gotten a certain idea of how things should look. People are always doing that, you know. Reading, or hearing about something, getting a certain picture in their head of that thing, and when the real thing comes along and turns out to be totally different it’s hard to except it.
Take me for instance... I’ve always imagined that my guardian angel’s eyes would be blue. A deep sapphire blue. Not that there was something wrong with green, or brown, or hazel. They were all great colors too, but I’d just always imagined mine with deep blue eyes.
So of course, when they turned out to be deep black chasms, I was shocked.
Of course, he wasn’t really my actual spiritual angel, but at the time I had honestly thought he was my guardian angel. So when this person bent over me, after removing the savage from my chest, I had thought he was my angel, and I was shocked into complete silence looking into the bottomless black pools of his eyes. See what set views and ideas can do to you?
He spoke to me, but I couldn’t seem to hear him. Pain was taking over the shock, and I was losing concentration. He shook me, trying to get my attention, and finally I heard the words, “...Where?” “Rostolor...poison...left arm,” I managed to answer.
The pain, combined with the pain of the injuries acquired from the crash, was building up to the breaking point. I was trying to pray, but I couldn’t think of any words. Worries filled any part of my mind that wasn’t battling with the pain. The stranger wouldn’t know what Rostolor poison was, much less the antidote, would he? And would he have the antidote even if he did know it? Did he know its name?” “ band....Corstolor...” I uttered, trying to explain more, but the poison was taking over my body, and I could feel myself start to shake.
Lucky he seemed to understand and he reached into his pack around his waist and searched frantically. He came out with another dart object filled with clear serum. There was a green band around the top. He stabbed that in my left arm and rubbed the spot vigorously, trying to get the antidote spread as quickly as he could.
For a moment there was a moment of blessed numbness, but only a moment. It was followed immediately by a rush of unbearable pain. A red haze filled my vision and I could feel myself tossing on the ground. The person above me held me firmly to the ground before I could hurt myself, and finally blackness took over all my senses.
Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 4 Word count: 662 Notes: blah I totally forgot that I had to post more of this.
When I woke up I was moving. Like jolting around on a soft surface. I found this odd enough without the strange rumbling noises. I managed to force my eyelids open and found myself staring up at a cracked, cloth covered ceiling. I turned my head to see where the heck I was, but quickly regretted it. A pounding migraine, like a sledge hammer smashing at my brain, popped out of nowhere. I winced but looked around all the same. I was in a beaten up, rusted truck. That’s right. An actual automobile. I was frozen with shock for a moment. Where had this been found? Car had practically gone instinct years ago. This one looked as if it was going to fall apart any second, everything being either rusted or cracked beyond recognition. I looked out the window, surprisingly still intact. There was a small warranty print on it, though half of it was scratched off. All I could see was ‘Ford’ and ‘2009.’ 2009?! How was the person driving this thing?! Suddenly I remember the person, and what had happened. I tried to sit up suddenly, but immediately regretted it. Both my arm and leg burned with unbearable pain, and the rest of me pounded like my head. Dark spots filled my vision and I laid down again.
“Ouch,” I uttered, squeezing my eyes shut against the pain and dizziness. At hearing me talk, the driver suddenly stamped on the brakes, which I was totally unprepared for. I was slamming into the seat in front of me, which, trust me, did not help matters. I groaned heavily.
“You’re awake!” said a voice. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at man who looked to be around my age, perhaps a few years older. He had longish wavy hair that matched his black eyes. He looked worried, and extremely stressed.
“I’m awake,” I agreed, wincing yet again.
“I’m sorry, your arm, and leg, I think...”
“They’re broken,” I finished. I sighed. Figures. “Do you have a safty health kit?”
He looked nervous, unsure of what to do. I asked again and he snapped out of it, opening the door and running to the back where he found a health kit. It was a little old, but it would have to do. He opened it and rummaged through it helplessly. I could tell he didn’t know the first thing about first aid.
“Here,” said, struggling to get up without jostling my arm and leg too much. “Give me that.”
He handed it to me and I looked through it quickly. I groaned in relief. Old though it may be, it still had a broken-bone mender. I grabbed the smaller and larger packs they had and tried to get them on with one hand. The man came to the rescue quickly, deftly snapping the devices in place. I pressed the ‘on’ button and it started to inflate. I sighed at the numbness settled over both the arm and leg. It was going to take a few hours for the nanobites to be injected and do their mending job. I groaned with weariness and slumped back down. Just then I remembered that this older version of the bone mender knocked you out in order to do the job with the least amount of bodily movement. I felt like hitting my head against something hard. The person who was hovering over me, looking concerned and confused, may have saved my life, but who knew who he was, or what he would do with me. Here I was practically handing myself over to some stranger. But he had saved my life, right? So it wasn’t like he wasn’t gonna go and kill me or something. But it was still stupid of me. I wanted to give myself a wake-up pill, but I was already losing consciousness, and it probably wouldn’t be able to counter this anyway. It was too late, everything around me was fading...
Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 5 Word count: 947 Notes: ahh!! Only a little more to go!!
Turns out I was right. Which, of course, was extremely depressing. When I woke up I was on the ground with my hands and feet tied. Absolutely everything ached, and if I hadn’t already been on the ground, it probably wouldn’t have taken long to get there. My head was swimming in dizziness, and it was hard to keep everything in focus. I assumed my arm and leg had healed, or this position would have been hurting beyond the pain I felt now. I blinked a few times and caught some white on the edge of my vision. There was something on my forehead, and I had the urge to reach up and rip it off, but of course I couldn’t. I looked down and saw Heal-Patches on my arms and legs on the big scrapes and cuts. I took a deep breath and tried to think my way out of the situation. Didn’t feel like I was gonna be able to get out of these bonds by struggling, but there was nothing else I could really do. I was in a completely empty tent, no tools to use to get myself out. Struggling it is, I thought grimly. I could only hope that I’d get out of this alive. I started to wiggle around, trying to find a weak spot as quietly as I could. Apparently it wasn’t quiet enough, because someone came rushing to the tent and a middle aged women burst in, glanced at me, then turned around and yelled, “She’s awake!”
She turned around and eyed me suspiciously. A second later two other men came in, neither of them resembling Mr. Angel, and they grabbed me. They carried me out past rows of tents into a small cleared out space with a fire pit in the center. They stood me up and stood by my sides, there in case I decided to run. I swayed for a moment, but caught my balance before I could fall. I looked around, trying to ignore my pounding headache. People dressed in ripped up dirty scavenger clothing started to gather. After a moment a young strong looking man, probably in his early twenties, made his way confidently through the crowd. He held an ancient looking AK47 in his hand. He marched up to me and digging the gun barrel in my chest, he questioned, “Who are you?”
Not one for beating around the bush.
I was silent, praying that he wouldn’t blow a hole through me.
“Answer me,” he said in a harsh demanding voice. He pushed the barrel a little harder into me. It made my already aching chest feel even worse. He glared at me and hovered his finger over the trigger. I tried to summon up some sort of answer, but have you ever tried to say something when a person is pushing a gun into your body and putting his finger two inches over the trigger? I prayed one of the bystanders would object to this, but no one did.
“Um,” I finally managed, trying to look straight into the other man’s eyes, “I would appreciate it greatly if you didn’t shoot me.” Maybe I should have just told him my name, but it was really hard to think, feeling the cold metal through my torn up shirt.
“Dammit!” the man shouted, “TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!” He shoved the gun hard right into my solar plexus, making the air whoosh out of my lungs, and I collapsed. I curled up with the pain and tried to get some air into my lungs. I gasped and coughed roughly.
“What the hell, Samuel?” someone else yelled. The person rushed forward and turned me on my back gently. I recognized his dark hair and black eyes. His eyes were wide with horror and concern. “Are you okay?”
I groaned, for an answer. I couldn’t speak, still trying to get my breath back.
The man got up and turned at Samuel, the AK47 holder, fire in his eyes. “What do you trying to do, kill her?! She hasn’t done anything to merit this treatment,” he said in a dangerously low voice.
Samuel glared and answered, “We have no reason to trust her, Marcuz.”
“So we should kill her?”he asked incredulously.
“We can’t take chances.”
“I didn’t bring her here to get murdered,” Marcuz answer angrily.
“It’s Viki,” came a raspy voice. My own, I realized. “Viki...Monroez” I said. My real last name was Laskia of course, but who knew what side these people were on?
There was a silence and Marcuz said, “Get out of here Samuel.”
“You are not in charge of this group Marcuz!” Samuel shouted back.
“Neither are you, as much as you would like to be. My father will return in a few days, and will resume as leader.” Marcuz retorted.
“Just because your Joel’s son doesn’t mean you hold any of his power,” Samuel hissed vehemently.
“Alright boys,” A clear voice cut in the argument. An able looking young women walked into the clearing waving her hand dismissively at the two men. “Enough fighting, we have other things to worry about.”
Marcuz and Samuel glared at each other for a few moments, and then the man named Marcuz turned to me. He grabbed my arms and helped me up, supporting me with one arm.
“I’m sorry about that,” he said sincerely. “I had to leave for a few hours after we got back, I had no idea this would happen.”
I nodded my understanding and asked, “Where am I?”
“You, my woman,” answered the woman with dirty blond hair and strong muscles who stood in front of me, “are in a Werewolf camp.”
Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 6 Word count: 1,047 Notes: jeez, idk how to end it!!!?!
What was with my luck?! Did EVERYTHING have to go wrong? How could I end up in a Werewolf camp? How?!
The woman stepped forward and took my arm and Mr. Angel, Marcuz, whoever he was, let go and mumbled something like, “Be back, need to take care of...” or something and then followed the direction Samuel had taken. The woman gave me a calculating look and gave me a curt nod.
“Name’s Alyss,” she said, business-like. “You look like you could use a bite to eat, come on.” She led me to one of the tent and someone else handed me a bowl of some sort of stew. I eyed it suspiciously, which Alyss seemed to notice, because she took a big spoonful and ate it.
“It’s clean,” she assured me. I hesitated, but my hunger overcame my fear and I started to eat it.
Alyss backed off and watched me, but did not speak. I contemplated the situation I was in, while I ate. First I had crashed in a hover craft, then I’d almost been killed by a barbarian, and now I was in the middle of a Werewolf camp. The werewolves were possibly my uncle’s greatest and most dangerous enemies. How could I have such bad luck? I was glad I’d given them the false name. Though Marcuz and Alyss had defended me readily enough just a few moments ago, I had a feeling that neither of them would hesitate to shoot me if they knew I was William Laskia’s niece and he was legal guardian. Either kill me or use me as a hostage. Werewolves were among the most violent and cunning groups against the government. I hadn’t a doubt that I would be dead by the end of the week either way, if they discovered my true identity. Which was why I needed to escape a.s.a.p. I was away from my uncle more than I was with him, but there were bound to be pictures, and surelysomebody in this camp had seen me at the capitol back when television was still operational. Any second I could be discovered. It made me edgy. I finished the bland tasting meal in minutes, and my eyes went back to the standing form of Alyss. I got up cautiously, but she made no move to stop me. We stood staring at each other for a moment, before the awkward silence was broken by a man barging his way into the large tent. It was Marcuz. He paused when his eyes fell on me.
“So you’re alright then?” he asked. He looked doubtfully at both the arm and the leg that had been broken.
“Yes,” I answer. My voice was raspy and rough. I cough and cleared my throat. “How long was I out?”
“A day and a half,” he answered.
“Plenty of time for the bone-mender to do its work,” I mused. I took my eyes off the two strangers in the room and check myself over. The white thing on my head I had noticed before was a bandage wrapped around my head. I took in account all the scrapes on myself. Suddenly I remembered about my allergic reactions to Merialin, the universally used antibacterial solution. I’d feel deathly sick for days if I didn’t catch it before it was too deep in effect. I looked at Marcuz and Alyss in alarm and asked, “Did you use Merialin?”
They gave me a questioning stare.
I groaned. It still surprised me how most people didn’t know basic medical care in this day and age, when there was war and carnage everywhere you went. “Who bandaged me up?” I asked.
“Um, Anthony I think,” Marcuz said, still not understanding what I was trying to say.
“Would you please bring me to him?” I asked, desperately now. If they had bandaged me up say a day or so earlier, then my body would start to fight off the antibacterial any moment, and it would leave me too sick to move for days. There would be no chance of escape then.
They didn’t understand what the problem was but they led me to another tent in which there was a aging man, looking over some medical supplies.
“Ah, so the girl has awoken,” he said, smiling.
“Did, you use Merialin?” I asked, not bothering with introductions.
He looked at me quizzically, but said, “Yes. Yes, of course I did.”
“Crap,” I muttered, and I stepped forward to look through his medical supplies.
“Hey, you can’t...” he started but I put up a commanding finger, and continued.
“I’m allergic to Merialin,” I explained in a hurry, “Do you have something to fight back the immune system before it gets started?”
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know?” The man answer, looking nervous.
“Aren’t you the camp medic?” I turned to looked at him, alarmed.
“Yes, but...”
“Oh lord, you don’t know any more about this then they do,” I said exasperatedly, gesturing to Marcuz and Aylss who were looking on the scene in alarm and concern.
“Well,” Anthony started, but I ignored the rest. I was too busy ripping apart the makeshift shelves, looking for some Beleorino, or Zenecforix. Finally I came upon some Kerinicolz, which I wasn’t sure would help all that much, but it was the only thing that they had that had a chance. I grabbed a needle and sterilizing patch, and wiped down the inside of my arm and the metal of the needle. It seconds I had the solution ready to be placed in my blood stream. Anthony stepped forward and said, “Are you sure you...”
“Yes,” I interrupted, and plunged the needle into my arm.
It only took a few seconds for the dizziness to come. This was going to knock me out for a few hours most likely, if it actually worked. Ahh frick. I pulled the needle out and placed it on the table. I stood up unsteadily and walked a few feet before collapsing. Someone caught me, probably Marcuz, he being the closest, and tried to get me to stand up, but one by one I was losing control over each part of my body. Everything started to mush together and spin about crazily. I was falling unconscious. Again. Groan.
Name: Werewolf Warriors ~ Part 7 Word count: 584 Notes: Last installment, sorry for the abruptness of the ending. I realized that there was no way to make it end any better by the end of today, so I did the best I could. I am considering making this into a full length story sometime, but I’m not sure yet. Please tell me what you think.
You know something has seriously gone wrong in your life when the first thought you have waking up is ‘Hey, I’m still alive. Weird.’ Which was, of course, the first thought in my mind when I finally came about hours later. I opened my eyes to see that I was in the same tent I’d woken up in the first time, only this time I was not tied, and there was a person watching me. It was the man, Marcuz. His mind must have been running along the same line as mine, because the first thing he said was, “She lives!”
“Yes, I live,” I said with a groan. I sat up dizzily.
“Are you a medic then?” he asked.
“Huh?” I asked, confused.
“You seemed to know your way around the medic area.”
“Oh, that. Um, assistant nurse actually,” I replied, rubbing me eyes.
“I see.”
“I never said thanks,” I realized.
“For what?” he asked, puzzled.
“Saving my life back there,” I answered. How could he forget?
“Oh, that. Your welcome, but it would have been a lot better if Samuel hadn’t attacked you the instant you’d woken up, and Anthony hadn’t giving some drug your deathly allergic to.”
“Well the Merialin could hardly be helped, how could anyone have known I was allergic to it without a medicard? And Samuel. Well I suppose he had no reason to trust me.”
“Or to attack you,” Marcuz said darkly. “But don’t worry about it, he’s been taken care of.”
I didn’t know how to reply to that, so I only nodded.
“So what happened?”
“With what?” I asked
“The aircraft crashing,” he clarified.
“Oh,” I said, rubbing my still pounding forehead, “I have no idea. I fell asleep and when I woke up we were going down. We were under fire I think.”
“You’re lucky to have lived,” he said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“So where are you headed to?” he asked casually.
I couldn’t tell him that I was heading to the capitol. Only allies to my uncle were allowed past security, and to say that that was my destination would arouse suspicion. Instead I answered, “North Florida, I have family there.”
“Strange that you were able to get a hovercraft,” he said, a little doubtful.
“My cousin down there has connections,” I answered, hoping I sounded confident.
“I see,” he answered, still doubtful, but he let it drop. “Well it seems you’re stranded for the time being. We have a group going that way in a few weeks, but until then, I’d advise you to stay with us. It’s dangerous to travel alone these days.”
“I...well I think I’ll manage,” I said, “I’m in a bit of a hurry to get down there.”
“I would strongly advise against it. Just wait a week, whatever it is can wait a week, can’t it?”
I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want him to get suspicious of who I was. So I decided to go along with it. “Alright, a week.”
“Good. In the meantime, perhaps to can show Anthony a thing or two,” he said with a smile and a wink. I gave him a shaky smile.
“I could try.”
I would have to figure out a way to escape soon. This was risky. I’d go along with it for now, but I would have to get away soon. They could discover my identity any moment, and I’d be as good as dead. Yes, I’d find a way to get away soon.