message 1: by ~Clare~, is so insanely busy! (new)
02/22/2009 10:52AM

977943You have until Sunday afternoon to post a poem on here before the Topic changes. Please post it directly onto this topic, rather than posting a link. You're welcome to discuss poems on here also. 

This week's Topic is color. If anyone has any objections to this topic, please go to the Poetry Topic Objections post. 

Poems can be as long and short as you want them to be. This is not a contest, it's just for fun and to show off our own poetry. 

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message 2: by OEWDvictim (new)
02/22/2009 11:14AM

1323807This is really short, but it just popped into my head, so I'm posting it! 

The colors blend 
And I can barely see 
What's right in front of me

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message 3: by Eric▲ (new)
02/23/2009 04:36PM

1530271before i knew you, i was blue, 
when i saw you, i was red, 
when you said yes, i was yellow, 
when i saw you with another, i was green, 
and then i was crimson, 
and now i am blue again 

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message 4: by Janellephant! (AKA: Janelle) (new)
02/23/2009 06:07PM

1322613Slipping falling 
Running fussing 

Slpayed out in front 
The world can see 

Bright and briliant 
For all to see 

So perfect and nice 
Gentle and cool 

The colors of the world 
The colors are what I see 

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message 5: by ~Clare~, is so insanely busy! (new)
02/23/2009 07:50PM

977943whoa! awesomeness! 

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message 6: by Elanor (new)
02/24/2009 08:42AM

Nophoto-f-25x33twisting through the living waters
bathing in the golden light
tendrils whipping, dripping, flipping
slapping on the concrete shore
colors soak into the ground

spur of the moment...feels like there should be more, but not quite sure what, yet. 

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message 7: by ~Clare~, is so insanely busy! (new)
02/24/2009 09:21AM

977943I like it! great description! 

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message 8: by Angel♥ (last edited 02/24/2009 02:21PM) (new)
02/24/2009 02:19PM


Vivid colors
Indigo blending into blue
Violet swirling in vortexes
Interlocked together to make a new hue
Drawn together to appeal to the Eye
Lemon colored rays streak across the piece
You pull the brush across the paper
Best hues you could find decorate it
Earthy colors are scattered across
Awesome details that make it pop out
Under the strokes and colors is a meaning
Tracing lines that aren't there with bursts of color
Interesting results happen
Floral colors add emotion
Unmistakable beauty appears at the end
Loops and lines create the image
Charming animals and creatures
Outstanding landscapes
Lasting sunsets and sunrises
Ovals and circles
Red gives a warm feeling
Special tools for a masterpiece:
read the first letter
of each line
above these 3 

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message 9: by Eric▲ (new)
02/24/2009 02:48PM

1530271oh thats just awesome 

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message 10: by Arthur, “has the magic listening cap” (new)
02/24/2009 02:49PM

735341Awesome Angel!! Your poem Vivid colors suggests thoughtfulness. 

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message 11: by ~Clare~, is so insanely busy! (new)
02/24/2009 02:56PM

977943oh my gosh! LOVE IT! love the hidden words! 

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