You have until Sunday afternoon to post a poem on here before the Topic changes. Please post it directly onto this topic, rather than posting a link. You're welcome to discuss poems on here also.
This week's Topic is Ice. If anyone has any objections to this topic, please go to the Poetry Topic Objections post.
Poems can be as long and short as you want them to be. This is not a contest, it's just for fun and to show off our own poetry. some people like ice,
others think twice.
some think it can help,
others see it and yelp.
some crunch it,
others will spit.
some think its great,
but it is something i hate.
some like it under the warm sun,
but ice isn't for everyone.
Ice fills my veins.
The coldness of it all burns my tounge
crystal ice falls and shatters
The peices fly away
Into the emty blackness
My heart has fallen
It has shatterd
My veins pulse no more
The coldness effects evermore. I just kind of made this up just now...and I can't seem to get this guy out of my here goes:
The ice in my chest is melting melting,
With every sweet word that you tell me
Tell me
Why do you do this?
Why make me wait?
With just one sweet kiss
Love grows from my hate
The ice provides a frosty covering
Rise high cold castle walls
When you cracked it I started wondering
If you really cared at all
Because for your love I'm hungering
Will you stand and watch me fall?
Deep in fear I'm wondering
If you really care at all
One brief visit upon my lips:
A crooked visitor melts the ice
The scales of love begin to tip;
I wish first kisses happened twice *smiles shyly* Thanks. Usually my poetry isn't quite like this. It's usu. more dark, but yeah...*headtodesk* It's all /his/ fault. ^^ Oh well.
Who knew that the cold could burn so?
That the scars on a heart
never truly heal?
That the love in ones soul
can never truly fade
That hate
can never come to pass
That the ice in my heart
cannot be thawed
That my loathe for you
can not be undone
The Ice of my forgiveness will burn you more
than the fire of my hate I wrote this when I was really sad...its technically supposed to be a song it goes. (And Im only going to post a little bit of it.)
You were always there for me
You made me smile when I was down
You always made me laugh when I cried
I felt like nothing could go wrong
Until she came into our lives
She swept you off your feet
With no trouble at all
You felt like she was perfect or so you said
I know you never meant too but you broke my heart
You made me feel like I could never know what love was...