message 1: by Arthur, The Path Of The Five Clover Patch (new)
05/24/2009 05:31AM

735341You have until Sunday afternoon to post a poem on here before the Topic changes. Please post it directly onto this topic, rather than posting a link. You're welcome to discuss poems on here also. 

This week's Topic is pins. If anyone has any objections to this topic, please go to the Poetry Topic Objections post. 

Poems can be as long and short as you want them to be. This is not a contest, it's just for fun and to show off our own poetry. 

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message 2: by ~Clare~, is trying to catch up... (new)
06/01/2009 09:38AM

977943I'm just going to let this one stay up since no one has used it yet. 

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message 3: by Christy (new)
06/06/2009 09:22PM

2225408Oh uhhhhh... 

Pin, pin, the magical tool 
The more you jab, the more it's cruel 

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message 4: by jeeves... (new)
06/06/2009 09:23PM

1799477hahahahahaha >.< 

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message 5: by ~Clare~, is trying to catch up... (new)
06/07/2009 10:48AM


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