message 1: by Arthur, The Path Of The Five Clover Patch (new)
07/05/2009 10:35AM

735341You have until Sunday afternoon to post a poem on here before the Topic changes. Please post it directly onto this topic, rather than posting a link. You're welcome to discuss poems on here also. 

This week's Topic is Crystal. If anyone has any objections to this topic, please go to the Poetry Topic Objections post. 

Poems can be as long and short as you want them to be. This is not a contest, it's just for fun and to show off our own poetry. 

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message 2: by Joelle (last edited 07/07/2009 05:10PM) (new)
07/06/2009 06:54PM


Looking through the crystal,
Makes poor Samuel dismal.
He sees that he is late.
He'll never make the date.
The deadline fast approaching,
Samuel quickly etching,
Quickly building,
Quickly fussing.
Rushing to the onslaught.
But the outcome came to naught.
Not easy to see.
Too easy to be. 

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message 3: by ~Clare~, is trying to catch up... (new)
07/07/2009 02:50PM

977943wow! awesome! love it! 

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message 4: by Joelle (new)
07/07/2009 02:56PM

2426863thanks, that was one of my first tries for a poem. 

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message 5: by Arthur, The Path Of The Five Clover Patch (new)
07/07/2009 07:15PM

735341it's cool 

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message 6: by SiNgUrL (last edited 07/11/2009 03:46PM) (new)
07/11/2009 03:45PM


I saw it clear and icy 
Those crystals made me dizzy 
It noted nothing dull 
It glittered in her shawl 
I finally found a date 
To dance with until late 
But Oh, how unfortunate! 
She already had a date. 

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message 7: by ~Clare~, is trying to catch up... (new)
07/14/2009 08:20PM

977943good poem 

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message 8: by SiNgUrL (new)
07/16/2009 08:14AM

2313970thanks. lol 

sounds like a kid's poem 

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message 9: by ~Clare~, is trying to catch up... (new)
07/16/2009 09:10PM

977943We all need them too :) itd kinda suck to have completely serious poems all the time. 

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message 10: by Paige (new)
07/24/2009 11:09AM

2300728Ok, I know this contest is over, but I was having problems sleeping a few nights ago, and I wanted to share. Just for fun reading. I don't know much about poems, just that lately, it's the only thing that I can really write, other than really short anecdotes. 

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message 11: by ~Clare~, is trying to catch up... (new)
23 hours, 2 min ago

977943wow I like it!! That ok that its over, post whenever you want! :) 

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