message 1: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/07/2008 11:43AM

977943You have until Sunday afternoon to post a poem on here before the Topic changes. Please post it directly onto this topic, rather than posting a link. You're welcome to discuss poems on here also. 

This week's Topic is Blood. If anyone has any objections to this topic, please go to the Poetry Topic Objections post. 

Poems can be as long and short as you want them to be. This is not a contest, it's just for fun and to show off our own poetry. 

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message 2: by Janelle
12/07/2008 01:01PM

1322613Pulsing slowly away 
Falling dead to the ground 
Bloody tears flow away 
I am left empty 
I am left broken 

Red as rubies 
Red as the sun 
Liquid as water 
Liquid as milk 

Salty and rusty 
Putrid and red 
Do not go near 
Only away 

Once in a moon 
Once in a time 
Never staying 
Never ending 

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12/07/2008 01:35PM

1305317There's a quiet in my soul
Not a kind that you would know
So go away
There's a quiet in my soul
I'm just letting you know
Please go away
I don't want to hurt you
I don't want to get you down
But for all of your sweet virtues
You misinterpret my frown
I'm not upset with you
But please just go away
Maybe I'll tell you why
But I'll tell you another day
Because this quiet makes me
This quiet makes me cold
I don't want to hurt you
So please do as you're told
There's quiet for a soul
So please run far, far away
Quiet's replaced my soul
And I don't know what I will do
I really can't take the chance
Of me hurting you
Ignore this dark hour
Leave me be for now
Because I'm sick
I'm broken, and
A single word spoken
May make me lash out
I crave to hurt someone
I long to destroy
In the quiet I battle
Just trying to cope with
This strange desire
This desire to cause pain
The urge to make blood run
Threatens that I'm insane
I want to kill someone
But all the same
I don't want to hurt anyone
I hide like a monster
Fearing I'll lose control
Trying to ignore the quiet
Looking for my soul

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12/07/2008 01:36PM

1305317ik that it only says blood once but the inspiration behind this poem has a lot to do w/ it and besides, I'll prolly have more than 1 entry this week 

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message 5: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/07/2008 02:22PM

977943wow those were great! 

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12/07/2008 08:20PM

1305317haha, clare. *hugs* ur awesome 

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message 7: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/08/2008 05:04AM

977943: D 

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12/10/2008 02:59PM

1305317Can you imagine
Cutting so deep
Blood falls like rain
Your own heart
Pushes your lifeforce away
Can you imagine
The pain?
Can you imagine
the slowly shuddering stop
Can you imagine
Pouring blood drops
Can you imagine
A bloody death? 

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message 9: by Arthur, “shakes paw on it!!”
12/10/2008 03:29PM


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message 10: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/10/2008 05:08PM

977943wow!!!! : O awweeesome! 

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12/10/2008 06:40PM

1305317aw shucks 

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message 12: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/11/2008 07:57AM


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message 13: by ♥♫Fiona♫♥
12/11/2008 06:15PM

1478586The boy beat by his father,
The girl who is depressed,
The young man sent to battle,
The pain that never rests. 
The boy cries for his mother
The girl dies for her lover
The young man is shot
The pain has stopped
But the blood shall stain forever 

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message 14: by Sella
12/11/2008 09:24PM

909992mine's kinda weird... 

It flows through our veins 
Coming out, it brings us so much pain 

It's how we survive 
Without it, we can't be alive 

In fights, battles, and wars it is lost 
Look how much for us it costs 

Inside it is a good thing, outside it is bad 
When we see it, we always become sad 

How can one thing bring such opposite reactions? 
Fear, sadness, so many distractions 

How can one thing be so complicated? 
The power of it leaves me daunted 

The word is so strong 
Hitting your ears like a disturbing song 

It causes shivers, faints, and screams 
It makes nightmares out of dreams 

It may make you grossed out 
It may cause you to shout 

When you see it do you panic? 
Do you run around, or turn frozen like a brick? 

Can you figure it out? 
Understand what it's all about? 

The question, ask yourself if you could: 
Is it bad or good? 

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message 15: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/12/2008 06:50AM


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message 16: by Eric▲ (last edited 12/14/2008 12:37PM)
12/14/2008 12:36PM


he shed his for you
to make your slate new,
to save you from death,
and with his last breath,
he said that it was done,
God sent his only son,
who shed his blood for you,
and to save the world too.

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message 17: by Eric▲
12/14/2008 12:42PM

1530271fiona, how on earth did you think of that! that's so beautiful 

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message 18: by ~Clare~, is tired
12/14/2008 01:29PM

977943Eric, that was awesome! 

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message 19: by Eric▲
12/15/2008 01:50PM


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