Week sixteen(Feb. 9 - Feb. 15)Topic:Valentine's Day 

Winner: Kali 

By Kali 

Sukie dragged her heavy feet through the blackened snow. Her head was down, her long black hair hiding her pale face. Her dark green eyes locked onto her navy ballet flats and the black asphalt. Her thin, pale arms were clutching an empty box and a bag full of valentines. 

The only noises were Sukie's footsteps and the cars driving on the road. Swish. Swish. Swish. The air around her was blue and icy cold. It reminded Sukie of a blueberry smoothie. Sukie hated blueberry smoothies. 

She passed the houses on the street. Yellow and orange lights were streaming through closed curtains and blinds. Adults were starting their cars, thick smoke billowing out of the exhaust pipes. Some were wiping off new fallen snow and crusty ice. They payed no attention to the little child. 

Sukie stopped at the edge of the school yard. She took a shaky breath that sent icy fire into her lungs and walked through the heavy metal doors. Her head was kept down as she walked down the red carpeted hallway. Students were giggling and whispering, full of Valentine's Day excitement. 

She dropped the box and bag on her desk and sat down quietly, waiting for the bell to start. No one sat next to her. No one wished her a happy Valentine's Day. Sukie was, as always, alone. 

The bell rang, making all students rush into the room. They weren't usually this excited, today they had candy to look forward to. 

"Let's pass out valentine's." The teacher stated at the end of the day. There were cheers. 

Sukie got twenty-three Valentine's. Whenever the students went to her desk, they dropped in the grossest candy they had. She dug around in her box, searching for candy that was actually edible. She found a large red card, in the shape of a heart. 

Roses are red 
Violets are blue 
I want to be your friend 
Wanna be mine too?

Sukie searched the card for a signature, but didn't find one. She felt disapointed. Maybe it was only a joke. 

"Sukie?" She looked up from the card to find Cedrick, a boy who sat across the room from her, standing there. 

"Hmmm?" Cedrick put a large lollipop on top of the mystery valentine. 

"Happy Valentine's Day." 


A few years later, Sukie was walking down the hall, heading towards Cedrick's locker. He had said earlier that he had a surprise for her. People were smiling at Sukie, handing her valentine's and flowers. She smiled back and handed them things too. 

When she got to Cedrick's locker, her arms were full. "Is that all for me?" Cedrick joked. 

"Ha." She put everything in her locker, which was next to his. "You can have some of it." 

"Cool, anyway, I have something to give you." 

"What is it?" 

"I can't tell you! It's a surprise!" 

"Do you wanna give it to me, then?" 

"Look in your locker." He walked off. "See you second period!" Sukie rummaged through her locker and pulled out a large red heart. 

Roses are red 
Violets are blue 
I think I have a crush on you

In second period, Cedrick walked over to her. "Here." He held out a lollipop. "Hap--" 

Sukie kissed him, breaking off his sentence. "Happy Valentine's Day." She said. 

Read more of Kali's writing: http://www.goodreads.com/story/list/1381...

Read more stories from this contest here: http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1047...

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