Week Nineteen(March. 2 - March. 7)- Topic:Emptiness
Winner: Jes
Forgotten Memories
By Jes
la giornata 'e troppo breve per voi.
As you sit there, reading this note, it probably means, I'm not here anymore. Here, there, anywhere. I just don't exist.
You may ask yourself... Why? Why has she, the positive, the polite, the perfect, left, disappeared without a trace?
I don't know.
Yes, I said it.
I don't know.
Then why leave? Why go through all the trouble of writing this pathetic piece of paper, signing it, and setting it up right so it is the first thing you see when you walk through the door?
It haunts me. That my mind is so... confused? Bewildered? Distraught? I can't take it anymore. Now that, my memory of my life is gone, I can't seem to move on. Why did you have to tell me? Why couldn't you keep it a secret, the fact that my entire past, my life, had been used up? Why couldn't you let me be the sweet, innocent, clueless girl? I would be so much happier that way!
"Would Have."
When I eat, when I drink, when I talk, I feel nothing. I have no feelings now.
I am a robot.
I do what I am told. I don't think for myself. You know the stories, when the robot starts to think, things either go really good.
Or really bad.
I'm not sure if this is either. For me, it may be really good, but for you... What is it for you? Are you... Sad for me? Angry? Joyous? What is it, that you are feeling now?
Are you laughing? Thinking this is a joke? Because I can assure you, that, indeed, it is not. I am not playing. I am not going to jump up from behind you, and scream "boo! Got Ya!" No, I am not five. I can't be sure how old I am, but everytime I look at the glass, seeing my reflection, I am pained. I feel, so lost.
So old.
I can't take anymore.
So from the begining of this horribly long note, you must know where this is going. It is not murder, I can assure you.
And no.
It is not suicide.
In fact, it isn't death at all. It's giving me, a new life.
Yes, I won't be around you, I'll be watching. I'll be... what is it... Moderating you. I will have a job, and I will get my memories back.
I will be able to live again. And This time, I'll be happy.
So you see, I am a broken Doll, waiting to be fixed.
My Emptiness forfilled.
My Heart Returned.
Prosperare sempre nel mio pensiero di voi.
Translations for Italian.
La giornata 'e troppo breve per voi: The day is too short for you
Dimenticato: Forgotten
Prosperare sempre nel mio pensiero di voi: Thrive always in my thoughts of you
Memoria: Memory
Read more of Jes's writing here: http://www.goodreads.com/story/list/1069...
Read other stories from this contest here: http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1130...